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Certified Medical Biller Exam (CMB)

To be eligible for this examination, an applicant must satisfy the requirements of at least one of the following routes:

All applicants must have a High School Diploma or GED

Route 1: You have successfully completed an approved training program; or

Route 2: You have at least one year of work experience as a Medical Biller; or

Route 3: You have received certification as a Medical Biller from an approved national certifying agency


Apply Now


Candidate Handbook


Examination Topics and Reference Material


Grounds for Application Denial 

Medical Billing is the process of submitting and following up on claims to insurance companies in order to receive payment for services rendered by a healthcare provider. The same process is used for most insurance companies, whether they are private companies or government sponsored programs. Medical billers are encouraged, but not required by law to become certified by taking an exam.

© 2022 National Association of Allied Healthcare Professionals 

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